
I’m a political theorist and citizen engagement facilitator based in Copenhagen, working on critical theory, global justice, populism, and debt/justice in finance, as well as deliberative and participatory democracy in both theory and practice.

My academic work has appeared in journals such as Political Studies, Comparative European Politics, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Constellations, and The Journal of Political Power and is forthcoming in journals such a Perspectives on Politics and Contemporary Political Theory.

My book (research monograph), A Critical Theory of Global Justice: The Frankfurt School and World Society, was published by Oxford University Press in January 2023.

In 2019, I published a nonfiction book in Danish, Den Nye Internationale: Hvorfor Venstrefløjen skal omfavne Europa og demokratisere Verden, with Gyldendal, arguing that the European left must once again join forces in a new International, in order to realize a more democratic, just and ecologically sustainable European Union.

I have also written regular columns and op-eds at Danish newspapers Berlingske, Politiken and Information, I regularly appear in the Danish media (such as DR2 Deadline), and I am an experienced public speaker.